miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Reptilians and Aliens Cats theory

Reptilians and Aliens Cats theory

In this assignment we are going to talk about what we think about a theory that says that some humans and cats are aliens or reptilians. We choose this because we love cats and we want to prove that they are not aliens like conspiracy theorists say.
This theory says:
·         Reptilians are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in science fiction, as well as modern ufology and conspiracy theories. The idea of reptilians on Earth was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who says shape-shifting reptilians are people who control the world by taking on human shape and gaining political power to manipulate our societies. Icke has climes on multiple occasions that many of the world leaders are, or are possessed by, reptilians ruling the world.
·         Domestic cats would be sentinels aliens sent from interstellar space to spy us, control us, do field work and report everything to his mother ship. There are also common people who thought that they are alien’s cameras recording our daily life and make connection to the other world where they come from.
Their arguments:
They say that there’s no previous documents of the ancient Egypt which mentions the presence of cats and in ancient Egypt they were treated as gods. Also Scientists can’t prove how they produce the “purr”, but instead of the scientists reasons, they believe that another prove is by the way they look, so if you pull back the ears of a cat and you look closely, you’ll see that this is a perfect copy of the classic image of “alien gray” with those big almond eyes, the tiny mouth and the nose.
Do you ever see a cat waking up for a sleep and running out of the room instantly? The mother ship is transmitting and they need to be alone.
All the things that come out of a cat are “completely unnatural”. In addition to that cats survive situations in which any land animal would die. How can a cat fall backwards from a fourth floor and land all in fours?
And finally when you die, your cats devour you (This really has nothing to do with the cat alien relationship, but is scary)
Our point of view:
First of all we don’t agree with this theory about aliens cats because, we think that they are the cutest thing ever, they also are good friends and they always stays with you making the perfect company in your good or bad moments.
To begin cats were worshiped in Egypt, they believed that the spirit of Bastet lived in them, so when they died they were embalmed and buried like pharaohs. For the Egyptians was a great honor to be buried with a mummified cat, so that custom was extended.  Bastet is an Egyptian goddess symbolizing the joy of living, protect the home, birth, pregnant (of diseases, and evil spirits), among others. It is said that is the Egyptian goddess of harmony, joy and happiness.
Then for the scientist answer it says that they get the “purr” contracting the muscles of the larynx, also using the diaphragm. It is a sign of pleasure, safety and tranquility, they do it when they are happy, and usually when they are with their owners. Besides that, the cats can recognize their offspring through that sound.  Moreover there are lots of types or breeds, and maybe like they say in the theory, some breeds seems like an alien if you transform they face with your hands, obviously, and maybe if you do the same with Icke’s face it would happened the same thing, so that isn’t a real prove.
They don’t always run away. Most of the times when they do that is because someone enters to the house, or they hear something, or maybe if they want to eat or do their needs. Also they only defecate, pee or vomit like any human or animal, so the only thing ‘unnatural’ that came out is their hair because they clean themselves licking.
Cats survive falls that would kill human because they weigh less. This prints them lower terminal velocity. When they fall, it reaches a point where air resistance balanced the body acceleration. Finally cats don’t eat you when you die.

In conclusion cats aren’t aliens, they are just animals that maybe for determinate people they do creepy things or are disgusting, and just because they don’t like them they believe that they are from a different part or they are not what they seem to be.

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