lunes, 23 de junio de 2014


Hi, we are Rochi and Milo, and we are going to write an article about transgender kids.

Our article will be about the distinctions that transgender people has and how it is a problematic for them.

Firstly, it is important to distinguish the terms "sex" and "gender":

Sex: refers to the physical, biological and physical aspects that differentiate men from women that are natural and essentially unchangeable.
Eg:  The defining characteristics of a woman
  • ·         existence of breasts
  • ·          hips widened
  • ·          female genital

 And the ones that define a man
  • ·         back / shoulders widened
  • ·         more corpulent body than women
  • ·         male genital

 It is the distinction between MAN AND WOMAN.

GENDER: Set of psychological, social and cultural characteristics, socially assigned to people. These characteristics are historical; they change with and by the time and, therefore, are changeable. It differs between male and female gender.

So now we can look up the differences between sexual orientation and gender identity

The term sexual orientation refers to the sex a person is attracted to in a emotional, romantic, sexual and affective plane. Sexual orientation is different from sexual behavior because it refers to feelings and not with the action.

The term gender identity refers to the consciousness of a person to feel belonging to the male or female character. That is, a person may feel a gender identity distinct from their innate physiological characteristics.
In other words, the person may feel like a woman even if it was born with male body, or may feel man, though born with female body.

Gender expression refers to how a person communicates its identity and gender through their behavior, dress, hair and voice.

In this sense, gender identity minorities are transgender

In conclusion

When a human being is feels attracted by another, is his sexual orientation that defines it heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual.
When a man feels that he was born in the wrong biological sex, his gender identity is what defines that is transgender.

Transgender kids in the society:
Young children whose are transgender or which gender expression differs from their birth physiological characteristics face a lot of stigma in society, bullying and rejection by family. This rejection can be concrete, with punishment, or indirect, where the family pushes the young man to "amend" their behavior and way of being.
Like the gay and lesbian children or adolescents, young transgender trauma deepens each time they are besieged, which often turns into depression, low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts. It also encourages the internalized hatred that years later leads to alcohol and drug abuse, and compulsive sex.

But it’s not always like that. Trauma and the harmful effects of rejection and bullying may be counteracted in different ways. The most successful way is love♥, understanding and  family support, which helps the child avoid suffer greater psychological harm.

We left you a video that shows how to treat with a transgender kid and how love, understanding and family support can make a child life happier... VIDEO ... we hope you like it. 

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Reptilians and Aliens Cats theory

Reptilians and Aliens Cats theory

In this assignment we are going to talk about what we think about a theory that says that some humans and cats are aliens or reptilians. We choose this because we love cats and we want to prove that they are not aliens like conspiracy theorists say.
This theory says:
·         Reptilians are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in science fiction, as well as modern ufology and conspiracy theories. The idea of reptilians on Earth was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who says shape-shifting reptilians are people who control the world by taking on human shape and gaining political power to manipulate our societies. Icke has climes on multiple occasions that many of the world leaders are, or are possessed by, reptilians ruling the world.
·         Domestic cats would be sentinels aliens sent from interstellar space to spy us, control us, do field work and report everything to his mother ship. There are also common people who thought that they are alien’s cameras recording our daily life and make connection to the other world where they come from.
Their arguments:
They say that there’s no previous documents of the ancient Egypt which mentions the presence of cats and in ancient Egypt they were treated as gods. Also Scientists can’t prove how they produce the “purr”, but instead of the scientists reasons, they believe that another prove is by the way they look, so if you pull back the ears of a cat and you look closely, you’ll see that this is a perfect copy of the classic image of “alien gray” with those big almond eyes, the tiny mouth and the nose.
Do you ever see a cat waking up for a sleep and running out of the room instantly? The mother ship is transmitting and they need to be alone.
All the things that come out of a cat are “completely unnatural”. In addition to that cats survive situations in which any land animal would die. How can a cat fall backwards from a fourth floor and land all in fours?
And finally when you die, your cats devour you (This really has nothing to do with the cat alien relationship, but is scary)
Our point of view:
First of all we don’t agree with this theory about aliens cats because, we think that they are the cutest thing ever, they also are good friends and they always stays with you making the perfect company in your good or bad moments.
To begin cats were worshiped in Egypt, they believed that the spirit of Bastet lived in them, so when they died they were embalmed and buried like pharaohs. For the Egyptians was a great honor to be buried with a mummified cat, so that custom was extended.  Bastet is an Egyptian goddess symbolizing the joy of living, protect the home, birth, pregnant (of diseases, and evil spirits), among others. It is said that is the Egyptian goddess of harmony, joy and happiness.
Then for the scientist answer it says that they get the “purr” contracting the muscles of the larynx, also using the diaphragm. It is a sign of pleasure, safety and tranquility, they do it when they are happy, and usually when they are with their owners. Besides that, the cats can recognize their offspring through that sound.  Moreover there are lots of types or breeds, and maybe like they say in the theory, some breeds seems like an alien if you transform they face with your hands, obviously, and maybe if you do the same with Icke’s face it would happened the same thing, so that isn’t a real prove.
They don’t always run away. Most of the times when they do that is because someone enters to the house, or they hear something, or maybe if they want to eat or do their needs. Also they only defecate, pee or vomit like any human or animal, so the only thing ‘unnatural’ that came out is their hair because they clean themselves licking.
Cats survive falls that would kill human because they weigh less. This prints them lower terminal velocity. When they fall, it reaches a point where air resistance balanced the body acceleration. Finally cats don’t eat you when you die.

In conclusion cats aren’t aliens, they are just animals that maybe for determinate people they do creepy things or are disgusting, and just because they don’t like them they believe that they are from a different part or they are not what they seem to be.

Ski centers in Argentina

In the following text we will talk about three of the most important ski centers in Argentina. The three of us have actually visited them and have skied there, so we are going to give our personal opinion about the center each has visited, and go over topics like talk about sloaps, services, extra activities, and many other things that are important when deciding were to go skiing. You can use this information and personal opinions at the moment of deciding which center would you like to visit.
Chapelco is a ski and snowboard center located in San Martin de los Andes. It has 28 sloaps, services such as Ski & Snowboard. This center has very good service of attention, as it has several hostels with equipment needed for a good stay, and hotels are cheap. You can also rent equipment for people with disabilities. Landscapes are unforgetable, the mountains have some beauty that can’t be found regulary. The low temperatures caused by the altitude of the mountain generates a longer ski season than in other ski centers. It has one of the most extreme sloaps in Argentina, but the disadvantage is that most of them are off-road, and you can’t get there by lift, so you have to do it by feet or expensive helicopters. But when you ski through them you will understand that all the uphill walk was not in vane.
Some people may think that Las Leñas is a boring center because of its small size, but I think this is a place that can be visited exclusively for skiing. Not many people can stand spending more than three days skiing, but if you are a passionate lover of this sport I think this would the perfect place for you to go. Las Leñas is in my opinion, is the most prepared ski center in Argentina, because of the excellent accommodation that is offered, because of the quality of the ski equipments that can be rented, the high quality snow that can be produced artificially, and mostly because of the maintenance of the sloaps. Also, it is one of the few ski centers that has hotels with direct sloaps acces.
Bariloche is the biggest ski center of Argentina and also Latin America, it features 70 sloaps, and an excellent technology in lifting means. On the down side it may  be dangerous for starters because of it has  many sloaps surrounded by woods. If you want to go out to dance or to eat, you have got countless options for restaurants or discos. During daytime , skiing is not the only activity that can be enjoyed: there are other exciting activities for people who got tired of skiing, like trekking, mountain bike and rides in sledges or snowmoviles. So in my opinion, this place is excellent for visiting it with friends and family. And the thing that makes it more most intresting and tempting it that is much cheaper than other centers is Argentina.

Circle of life

Mandalas are not just drawings, and I will show why.
In the following essay I reported some information about the art of mandalas and explain the psychological used Carl Jung gave them.
I decided to talk about this topic because many people have once seen a mandala but don´t understand their meaning and uses.  

Mandala means circle in Sanskrit. Beyond its definition as a word, from the spiritual point of view, a mandala is an energetic center of balance and purification that helps transforming the environment and the mind. It is also defined as an ideographic system container of a sacred space.
Mandalas are used since ancient times. They originated in India and spread in Eastern cultures, Indigenous American and Aboriginal Australia. In Western culture, it was Carl G. Jung, who used them in therapies with the goal of seeking individuality in humans. Jung used to interpret his dreams by drawing a mandala daily. Through this activity he discovered the relationship they had with his center and from there, he developed a theory about the structure of the human psyche.
According to Carl Jung, mandalas represent the totality of the mind, encompassing both the conscious and the unconscious. He stated that the archetype of these drawings is firmly anchored in the collective subconscious.
Mandalas are also defined as a cosmological diagram that can be used for meditation. It consists of a series of concentric geometric shapes arranged in different visual levels. The more basic forms used are: circles, triangles, squares and rectangles.
These figures can be created in two or three dimensional shape. For example, in India there are many temples with the form of mandalas. The designs are varied, but have similar characteristics: a cross cardinal points contained in circles and arranged with certain symmetry.
According to psychology, mandalas represent the human being. Interacting with them will help heal the mental and spiritual fragmentation, express your creativity and reconnect with your essential self. It is like starting a journey into your essence; you'll open doors hitherto unknown and calls forth your inner wisdom.
The work of meditation with mandalas may consist of observation or drawing thereof. In the first case, just sit in a comfortable place, achieve a rhythmic, deep breathing, and dispose you to observe a mandala of your choice. It can lead to a state of relaxation and feel more alert to events that happen around you. The observation process can last between three and five minutes.
In the second case, you can draw mandalas or color them. It is recommended that if you are new with these images, begin by coloring. To do this, choose a model that inspires you, select instruments (colors, markers, watercolors, for example), and then consider setting up in a quiet place. You can put music on if you want and begin your work. There are various techniques. Everything depends on your mood and the reason why you are painting the mandala. If you feel you need help to externalize your emotions, so color the mandala from the inside to the outside; if instead, you want to find your center, paint it the other way around.
This exercise can be done by everyone, regardless of age or religion. It is a simple practice that will result in personal benefits and the achievement of internal balance.

To conclude, I would like to share a personal experience with mandalas.
When I first heard about them, I thought they were simply drawings. I painted some because I contemplated their beauty.
However, once I found out that mandalas were used as a medical support with people who had psychological problems, and I discovered the wonders of this art.
Not long ago, my grandmother had a stroke, and a friend told her to paint mandalas when she felt stress. Now, is the best therapy she has to express herself.  Although I tried to explain the meaning of each type of mandala to her, she forgets it easily because of the illness she once had. I hope you do remember it, when I share it with you next week! XOXO
A gossip girl
*Sri Mariamman Temple* 

*"Piedra del sol" Maya´s Mandalas*

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014

Argentinian Culture

  As all countries do, Argentina has its own customs and traditions. There were many transformations along history, taking into account the alterations that were produced by the growth of immigrants during the twentieth century. In this essay, I am going to explain some of the main elements of this interesting culture.

 Let´s begin with a popular dialect called lunfardo. Its origins lie in immigration, enriched with indigenous inputs. The original lunfardo has been immortalized in numerous tango lyrics. Today it is still used in common language. For example: afano-theft, apolillar-to sleep, bondi-bus, cana-police, chabón-guy, chamuyar-action of persuading a person of something by mixing truth with lies to achieve an objective, chanta-deceiful person, curro-cheat, etc.

  Secondly, gastronomic customs are very important. The asado (could be translated as barbecue) it is not only a culinary technique of grilling meat; it is also the social act of eating it. Furthermore, the dulce de leche (milk candy) is a typical product. It is achieved after a very slow cooking of sugar and milk. “Alfajores” (a typical candy) are made with dulce de leche. It is said that in 1829, the cooker of Juan Manuel Rosas (Mayor of Buenos Aires in 1829 and 1835), neglected some milk with sugar that she was preparing for the Gobernor on the stove; but when Rosas tasted the infusion that had become a sticky and brown substance, he liked it. Then, there is mate is a traditional drink. It consists of a container (the mate itself), bulb (metal tube or cane with drilling in its bottom) and yerba mate (plant from South America, previously dried and ground for its use). Its preparation consists of putting the weeds within the mate, then pouring hot water (70°C); this action is called “cebar”, and, lastly, the bulb is introduced and mate is ready to be sucked from it. What is characteristic in this tradition is that the mate is usually shared in a round of people, favoring integration, trust and friendship among them.

Dulce de Leche

Drinking Mate

Next, we would like to mention a few people who were relevant in Argentinian history.  Take Carlos Gardel (1890-1935), for example. He was a musician; his distinctive voice made him the representative of Argentinian tango. He recorded approximately 800 songs. Another was Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986), a brilliant and controversial Argentinian litterateur and writer. He wrote various tests, poems and stories. Diego Armando Maradona (1960) was a soccer player; to many the best soccer player of all times, also known as “God´s hand”. He played 91 games in the National Soccer Team, scoring 34 goals. Then there was the wife of Juan Domingo Perón, Evita Duarte (1919-1952), who was an actress and, later, a politician. She was the “standart-bearer” of the poor and promoted the female vote. Another politician, but also a doctor, was Ernesto “Che” Guevara (1928-1967), known for his Cuban revolutionary struggle together with Fidel Castro. Unlike him, Alberto Olmedo (1933-1988) was a comedian-actor of a spontaneous humor. He started in big hits on the Argentinian TV and also in 44 films.
Jorge Luis Borges
Alberto Olmedo
Ernesto "Che" Guevara 
Evita Perón
Maradona and Messi
  Up to now, we have learned a little about the culture of Argentina.  Of course, there is much more to talk about. Topics, such as typical dances (tango, chamamé, milonga) or activities (horseback riding, auctions, rodeos) will be addressed subsequently.

Antonella Biante